Thursday, February 28, 2008

Done With Thing 5

Ok, I'm finished with Thing 5. I looked at all the different sites and got some ideas. I was thinking about the puzzle site that it might be a fun way to create and order a puzzle for someone who is getting some kind of award, recognition, retiring, etc. I was also thinking, on a personal level, that it would be fun to do puzzles for family members as gifts. (The picture, by the way, is an aerial view of where I work; I'm at the point now that if I'm posting to my blog I want to add an image.)

Calendars are always fun to play around with, and they do make a nice way to publicize collections and give them to Friends of the Libraries or Volunteers in the Libraries type groups. We're already two months (almost 3) into the new year, but I might play around with calendars a bit for the next year, using scanned images we already have from our collections. It might make a nice piece to give to our supporters.

As to sharing photos online. . . I'm still a little hesitant on this. I want to play around a little more with the rights and permissions types of stuff. But first, I want to see about sharing these with my immediate family. Once I'm comfortable at that level I might think about putting more stuff out to the public. I have noticed that many of the pictures are watermarked in some way as an additional protection. More, anyway, to think about.

Finally, I am a little sympathetic with one of the comments on the 23 Things blog: it gets to be a bit of a pain having all these usernames and passwords. Maybe there's a mashup there??!!

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