Monday, November 23, 2009

Live: Lorcan Dempsey--emerging Pattern 2

Mendeley: 100,000 users and 8 million research papers; manage profile; manage publications; "like itunes for research papers";

VIVO at Cornell: $12mil project funded by NIH

Reputation management, social networking

Discovery scenarios:
  • Relationship between consumer and library: direct--added value
  • Between library and flow: disclosure and syndication
  • Between many/indirect discovery: may involve identity, locate, resolution or other services at library
The "indirect discovery" scenarios; with the second and third scenarios the discover happens elsewhere

With the second scenario we want to disclose holdings and existence

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Example of indirect discovery: Google Scholar, Google Books

Syndication via iTunes

Syndication: bookmarking and rss; pushing stuff into their flow

We now have "an ecology of services"

What does it really mean to push stuff out onto the web?

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