Monday, January 31, 2011

Michael Harrison on U Media

A new audio file has been added to the Sherlock Holmes materials found on the U Media Archive. This is a recording of a talk given by Michael Harrison at the University of Dubuque, Iowa for "A Sherlockian Seminar," August 17-19, 1984.

J. Randolph Cox, writing in the Winter 1984 issue of Baker Street Miscellanea, made this observation:

"Among the several lecturers was the noted British author and Sherlockian scholar Michael Harrison, making his first visit ever to the United States. Everywhere in sight throughout the proceedings, he spoke three times in all, and the subject matter of his remarks -- "Sherlock Holmes Then", "The Gaslight Era", and "The London of Sherlock Holmes" -- was treated by him in entertaining "stream of consciousness" fashion. As is the case with his Sherlockian writings, there was an engrossing immediacy to his presentations, bonused in this instance with erudite digressions and with a low-key sense of humor that sat well with the audience. In the estimation of this attendee, at least, his appearances were the high points of the workshop."

If we come across recordings of Harrison's other two talks at this seminar we'll be sure to add them to the U Media Archive.

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