These volumes were read by Elmer as a child and were some of the last books he parted with as his library was moved to the University of Minnesota in 1999. "My desire to own my own books began in childhood. In the home of my aunt Lillian Johnson, an unmarried teacher, I loved to touch, hold, and page through a set of books she owned. It was 'Journeys through Book Land,' a compilation of children's literature. Whenever I went to her home, I headed straight for her bookshelf to find some of my favorite stories. Our little home did not include such luxury. I went to the library and checked out a lot of books, and read a great deal. But the books always went back to the library again. How grand it would be, I thought, to own these precious objects and be able to hold and read them whenever I pleased."
University of Minnesota Libraries, Children's Literature Research Collections, PN6014 .S985x 1913
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