Thursday, February 10, 2011

J. Randolph Cox on U Media

A new recording from the Sherlock Holmes Collections has been added to the Libraries' U Media Archive. The audio file features J. Randolph Cox, former documents and reference librarian at St. Olaf College and Editor of the Dime Novel Round-Up. Randy is also a member of the Baker Street Irregulars, having been invested with the title "The Conk-Singleton Forgery Case" in 1967. As Randy recalls the event, "the talk was scheduled during the daily chapel period at St. Olaf. When a talk was not strictly religious in nature it was given the designation of a mini-convocation.'" Randy joined the faculty of St. Olaf in 1962. The convocation talk was broadcast on the public radio station in Northfield, WCAL. (WCAL was later sold by the college to Minnesota Public Radio, much to the displeasure of loyal listeners.) Radio wars aside, this is a delightful talk by a long-time Sherlockian. Enjoy!

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